Friday, August 24, 2007

you know what drives me batty?

when people write in their gawker stalkings and defamer sightings like this:

Saw Jemaine from Flight of the Conchords walking south on Allen St. Pretty regular looking hipster, but surprisingly good-looking. Wanted to yell MERRRMAAAIIIDD at him but resisted...

and this:

Spotted the indie queen Parker Posey picking up her small fluffy dog from Biscuits and Bath in the West Village at 6:30pm. I resisted the urge to ask if Beatrice had her "busy bee".

good thing you resisted cuz you'd look like an ass, a-hole!

oh, i was just trying to find this to no avail, but there was this blog that listed like 7 signs that you aren't as smart as you think you are. one of them was like, "you quote lines from movies in conversation," which made me chuckle because i wholeheartedly agree. omg, you watch tv! awesome! do you also like pizza? me too!


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