Wednesday, February 06, 2008

my new boyfriend

you should meet him. he has his own business; he runs the coffee cart on 14th street and 5th avenue. this morning i orderered a small coffee with two sugars, and he replied, "you don't need any sugar, you are already too sweet." ahhh. i bet he only has ever said that to me and no one else. ever.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're lucky...
when ordering coffee from one of my old coffee ladies with skim & 2 sugars, she asked me if I'd ever tried Splenda.

...end of story. there was no cute punchline.

just her basically telling me I could probably do without the sugar.

thanks, lady.

9:39 PM  
Blogger hazeldove said...

unfortunately, he's not my normal coffee guy since i was in a different part of the city. my normal coffee lady is a bit intense and was horrified when i cut my hair super short.

11:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I don't get why coffee people feel personally invested in our lives.

My paper boy doesn't freak out when I change jobs or don't take advantage of the big sale at Bloomingdales... and I see him everyday.

What gives?

4:55 PM  

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