Tuesday, February 19, 2008

check this shizatz out, yo!

my friend "walter faure" has a new blog that i would label as being political, but at the same time i wouldn't limit my description to that. also, darkpony contributes some sci fi news and videogame reviews every once in a blue moon. oh snap! anyhoos check out "poor richard" here. it's also in my blog roll over there to the right. neat!

in other blog friend news, i was worried that "the hag" had given up on blogging forever, but she's back. ray!

finally, here's a blog i came across the other day which i couldn't stop reading. again, it's right up my alley. keep up the good work!


Blogger the hag said...

love it.

thanks for the shout out hazeldove. incidentally, i love the shirt that darkpony is wearing in your flickr book launch party photos.

go turks!

5:35 PM  
Blogger hazeldove said...

ha ha! he really got dressed up for that one!

5:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, thanks for the shout out. We wouldn't label ourselves strictly political either. We like all kinds of shizatz.

3:09 PM  

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