Tuesday, August 19, 2008

i heart b_ _ bies!

this post was originally going to be a rant about those rubber bracelets like the lance armstrong "livestrong" bracelet and how i'm not such a fan of those, especially after i saw some woman wearing three bracelets that said, "i heart boobies," on them.
anyway, the funny part of this story is that i was showing darkpony something on my computer when he suddenly became distracted. well, you know that little google search box that is up by the browser window? mine had a search for "i heart boobies bracelet," but i think darkpony only saw the "i heart boobies" part. i tried to explain to him that i was looking this up because i saw this woman on the subway, and i wanted to see if this was an actual bracelet that was related to fighting breast cancer blah blah blah...but he was not buying it. oh well. busted!


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