Wednesday, December 28, 2005

bedbugs 2: the conspiracy

so, we arrive home from the midwest yesterday, and there is a note in our hallway regarding the bedbugs situation in d-2. d-2 writes that she in fact does not have bedbugs but has "spider mites, beetles, and other harmless bugs." also, she has consulted "an expert with a microscope and a dermatologist." wtf? we think that the management company has either payed her off, or they threatened that she would have to pay for the building extermination, so now she is backing down. and if she truly doesn't have bedbugs, why does she have so many other bugs in her apartment? boy, are we in a quandary. no one knows what to do now. i mean d-2 removed all of her furniture and had her apartment exterminated multiple times because she thought she had bedbugs. something is surely smelling rotten to me.


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