Monday, June 12, 2006

remember the cwc?

yesterday, i participated in a comprehensive walker's club walk which I haven't done in quite some time. we clocked a little over 15 miles, walking from west 96th street up to fort tryon park where the cloisters are and back down to 96th street. darkpony and jamie sabuda are trying to walk every street in manhattan and are keeping track of their routes with a gps device (nerd alert!) which means that every time i wanted to wander off into a park, i got a lot of flack for it. "we've got to keep to the streets! parks don't count!" oh well. anyway, here are a couple of highlights from the day. firstly, while walking up riverside drive, there was a little sidewalk sale. well, jamie sabuda was saying that one guy had a lot of records and music magazines from the 60s and 70s, and that he overheard the guy tell someone that he was joe jackson's saxophonist for seven years. for some reason, darkpony thought that jamie sabuda had said that he was joe jackson's au pair for seven years. at this point, i was also told to never play a pretend saxophone ever again. secondly, we ate somewhere that i never, ever thought I would eat at, and it was pretty good and cheap. yes, that place would be dallas bbq's. who knew that you could get the early bird special for $4.99: half chicken, soup, corn bread, and baked potato. pretty, pretty good! one day, i'm going to go there and get one of those huge margaritas. i can't wait. so, that's it for the cwc walk. another success!


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