Wednesday, January 02, 2008

until then, the balcony is closed

the other night darkpony, tomcat, and i went to the 10:35pm showing of there will be blood. oh right, my facebook friends probably already know this since fandango thinks it's okay to advertise this news to the world. anyway from previous experiences, i was dreading that we would get to the theater and have to wait in a chaotic line since the movie was completely sold out. fortunately, the loews cinema on the upper west side was very organized, and even if you got to the theater super early, you were allowed to enter and find seats. yeah! this made me very happy. unfortunately for me but fortunately for darkpony, i couldn't use this classic line i practiced the entire subway ride there: "there will be blood, if you try to cut this line." darn it. oh well.

i also couldn't stop saying "there will be blood" in a funny voice like i was a vampire or zombie (are these the same thing? darkpony?). that really drove darkpony crazy, but tomcat seemed to enjoy it.


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