Wednesday, April 26, 2006
oh, i forgot to tell you. last night darkpony and i ordered a pizza for delivery from this brick oven place in our neighborhood. well, we open the box, and the pizza is covered in lettuce and some parmesan cheese. it's like someone at the restaurant spilled a salad on top of our pizza but didn't notice when they were closing the box. super bizarro. anyway, we just picked all of the lettuce off and ate the pizza. it still tasted good. maybe, the restaurant has discovered that putting lettuce on top of a pizza for delivery prevents the cheese from sliding all over the place on the bike ride over. soon enough it will be the pizza delivery rage. at least that's what i'm going to think.
do i smell bacon? not really
has anyone else noticed that no one seems to be following traffic rules anymore in nyc? cars are constantly turning right on red and blocking intersections, making it almost impossible to cross the street with the walk sign. i feel like it has been really out of control lately, and i'm super fed up with it. plus, there is never a cop in sight because they are all protecting us in the subway. yeah, right. note to mayor bloomberg: i'm pretty sure that the nypd will be unable to prevent a terror attack in the subways by standing around and joking with ten other cops, so can you have them patrolling busy intersections instead. it's pure anarchy out there. you're a business guy, so think of all the money the city will make from traffic tickets and giving people points for being in the box or whatever that's about. i've got road rage, and i don't even drive in this city. sheesh.
Monday, April 24, 2006
please support my latest cause

(andie and hugh are standing in the middle of the road in a downpour) andie: "is it raining? i did not even notice."
i doubt andie was given this direction, but you never know: now andie, this is the most romantic scene in the movie, so you have to deliver your lines like the soulless robot you are."
please make your donations at and in advance, thanks for your support.
p.s. i know that four weddings and a funeral came out in like the 90s, but i doubt her acting skills have improved in the last decade.
check out the joke i made up
even darkpony said it was good, and he never thinks my jokes are any good.
question: what do you call a manservant who gets made fun of?
answer: the butt-ler of the joke.
hee hee hee hoo hoo hoo haa haa haa. oh, that is a good one. does laffy taffy still put jokes on the wrappers because i think this would be a perfect fit.
question: what do you call a manservant who gets made fun of?
answer: the butt-ler of the joke.
hee hee hee hoo hoo hoo haa haa haa. oh, that is a good one. does laffy taffy still put jokes on the wrappers because i think this would be a perfect fit.
Friday, April 21, 2006
cute picture friday!

Thursday, April 20, 2006
striped and skinny quick vote, # who knows
is it wrong to enjoy yes' cover of simon and garfunkel's classic, "america"?
hazeldove's watching you
so, i was checking my blog stats and saw that someone linked to striped and skinny with this google search: do coal miners have good stomach muscles? well, besides being a very good question, i wondered why this question would bring up my blog. here's what comes up in google under striped and skinny regarding this topic: seriously, i have received not one but two damaged dvds of coal miner's ... which leads me to ask this question: should my stomach muscles be sore as a ...
i heart madlibs.
i heart madlibs.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
'World's unsexiest man' named

Tuesday, April 18, 2006
presidential transcription corrections
i found some transcription errors in the recent quotes from george w. bush and have taken it upon myself to correct them here (in red):
"I listen to all voices [in my head], but mine is the final decision," he said. "And Don Rumsfeld is doing a fine job. He's not only transforming the military, he's fighting a war on terror. He's helping us fight a war on terror. I have strong confidence in Don Rumsfeld.
"I hear the voices [did I already mention that they are in my head?], and I read the front page, and I know the speculation. But I'm the decider, and I decide what is best. And what's best is for Don Rumsfeld to remain as the secretary of defense."
"I listen to all voices [in my head], but mine is the final decision," he said. "And Don Rumsfeld is doing a fine job. He's not only transforming the military, he's fighting a war on terror. He's helping us fight a war on terror. I have strong confidence in Don Rumsfeld.
"I hear the voices [did I already mention that they are in my head?], and I read the front page, and I know the speculation. But I'm the decider, and I decide what is best. And what's best is for Don Rumsfeld to remain as the secretary of defense."
what makes people jerkbutts, #1
jerkbutts go to sit-down restaurants and tell the waiter that they are in a big hurry and need their food fast.
Monday, April 17, 2006
read these books
i just read that the author, muriel spark, died. last year, i read some of her older novels and also her most recent novel and really enjoyed them. unfortunately, because of her death, i was reminded that i would like to get my hands on all that she has written. check her out. i promise that it's good stuff.
who's going to live in all of these crap buildings?

Known as the professional certification program, the honor system was instituted under the Giuliani administration and was meant to trim costs by cutting the workload for the city's plan examiners. It was also intended to eliminate obstacles to building in a city where, at the time, construction projects could be delayed for months while builders waited for plans to be approved.
By participating in the professional certification program, architects guarantee to the city that their plans meet zoning and building codes. But the city has experienced a tremendous boom in new construction in the last several years, and officials have begun to worry that the honor system leaves too much room for architects and developers to run roughshod over zoning rules and safety regulations.
oh, you think? no wonder there is so much crap going up in the city, especially in brooklyn and queens. everyone who owns a piece of land thinks that they are going to make a ton of money, but i think that this is all going to backfire real soon. we'll see. also, this message goes out to frank gehry. your buildings suck, too. i'm tired of them, and the one that is going up on the west side is a nightmare with all of those bent columns. sheesh.
Friday, April 14, 2006
stupid current affairs joke friday!
Chad Threatens to Expel Sudanese Refugees: Who is this Chad?
get it? ha ha ha hee hee hee ho ho ho hoo hoo hoo...
get it? ha ha ha hee hee hee ho ho ho hoo hoo hoo...
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Youngest of the Pointer Sisters Dies at 52
so, when i was way young, my neighbors (two sisters) and i would pretend like we were in singing groups popular at the time, especially groups that consisted of three women. we usually pretended to be the pointer sisters or the mandrell sisters. now, i feel bad because none of us ever wanted to be june pointer because of her crazy buck teeth. kids can be so cruel, can't they?
did you hear the big news?
despite being cancelled by cbs, love monkey has been picked up by vh1. this might mean that i will have to cave in and get cable. as you all know, i was a little obsessed with that show.
note to vh1: don't let the guy from ed wear any hats or knight's armor and please clear up the storyline about the "gay" friend. is he out or not?
note to vh1: don't let the guy from ed wear any hats or knight's armor and please clear up the storyline about the "gay" friend. is he out or not?
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
an amazing feat
who can spend ten days in sunny 85 degree weather and not get a tan? me! that's right. i figured that since i f'd my skin up with sun damage during the first twenty years of my life, that i need to salvage what i can. thanks mom, for being on top of the sunscreen situation when i was kid. actually, i can't blame her. things were different in the '70s and '80s. there was no such thing as sunscreen, seatbelts, or bike helmets. oh, the good old days, and i'm still alive to tell about it.
Friday, April 07, 2006
greetings from florida
so, darkpony and i are hanging at the venice public library. i only have 24 minutes remaining to use the internet. it's the final countdown, and it is making me quite nervous. not much happening except for fun in the sun. we have bikes and have been cruising around on them. darkpony's arms are as red as lobsters. i told him to put sunscreen on but...
my work affair down here is over. thank goodness. i think i may have closed down the hospitality suite every night, which is never a good thing for one's reputation. oh well. at least there are no personal scandales to report. i did smoke way too many cigarettes. i do think i might enjoy capri lights. they are so skinny, yet so sophisticated.
what else? i have no clue what is happening in the world. i guess that's what happens in florida, and why people think that george bush is the best. could there be anymore suvs? i don't think so.
okay, i have 17 minutes left on the internet. see you soon!
my work affair down here is over. thank goodness. i think i may have closed down the hospitality suite every night, which is never a good thing for one's reputation. oh well. at least there are no personal scandales to report. i did smoke way too many cigarettes. i do think i might enjoy capri lights. they are so skinny, yet so sophisticated.
what else? i have no clue what is happening in the world. i guess that's what happens in florida, and why people think that george bush is the best. could there be anymore suvs? i don't think so.
okay, i have 17 minutes left on the internet. see you soon!