my obsession with gnomes, that is. i came across this gnome bonnet via this blog called {frolic!}. i don't know where i would sport such a bonnet, but it sure is cute.
someone in my apartment building was getting rid of some record albums from the 70s and 80s (mostly 80s), and i scored. big time. some other tenant saw the pile a little too late and tried to make fun of me for also taking a styx record among all of the other gems. whatevs! jealous much?
we have some newfound space in our living room, and i want this chair. now. of course, i'm not going to pay full price for it because it's ugly. am i right? i mean it fits my granny style, but i can't imagine other people wanting this chair. at least i hope that's the case. also, i can't pay that price for something the cats, actually rabbit roo, are going to scratch the you-know-what out of. anyone have any good cat scratching prevention tips besides declawing the little guy? he looks like such an angel but...actually this just gives me an excuse to post a cute picture of him. we might have the cutest cats. for real. did i mention that they got their teeth cleaned recently? now their breath is minty fresh. not really.
last week i got a haircut which i felt to be a little too edgy even for me, and i've had a lot of crazy haircuts. actually, i was feeling like i looked like hitler sans mustache obvs. anyway, my biggest concern about my fresh cut was what my coffee cart lady would say because i've had trouble with her in the past on this topic. i even contemplated avoiding her cart. well, the first day she only said, "you got your hair cut." then she didn't say anything about my hair for the next few days. but today, she said, "this time i like your haircut." ray! life is good!
the other night darkpony and i were finishing the design for a jacket of a kid's book for our other project, and here is a snippet of our conversation:
dp: don't get mad...i like this font, but it looks like the one used for penthouse forum in the '70s.
hd: what do you expect? it's called soul papa. oh well. it works!
i ended up buying this marimekko coat. anyway, i decided to google the designer whose name is on the tag: alicia rosauer. well, it turns out that she is married to the son of the founders of crate & barrel, and they went to work for marimekko in 1999. i wonder how they got that gig? must have been the combination of hard work and luck and nothing to do with the fact that crate & barrel has been selling marimekko products for years. oh, and they are new trier high school sweethearts. gag! so this has obviously soured my purchase. i mean i like the coat, and she made a very nice design, but still...and darkpony has, unfortunately, pointed out that the pink flower on the left breast of the coat has a red center which happens to fit exactly where my nipple is. great! now, i'm completely self-concious of this. ughs!
on saturday, darkpony and i were out and about in our neighborhood when we came across a shelving unit someone was giving away for free. we decided to pick it up and take the subway home because dp was doing some heavy lifting. when we were crossing the street, against the light, to get to the subway entrance, this silver mercedes almost runs me over. i know we were crossing against the light, but dp was carrying this heavy shelving unit, so cut us some slack, right? well, i decide to flip the guy in the car the bird. he starts yelling at dp who is behind me, and then i see him park his car. at this point we are going down into the subway, and ten seconds later this madman comes running down the stairs yelling, and then he kicks the shelving unit that is between him and dp. he keeps emphasizing how polite he was to let us cross the street, and says something like, "your wife give me the finger! she stick that finger up your butt?" ha ha! then he says to dp, "i'm going to kill you! i'm going to break your glasses!" not sure if these things were going to happen in this order, but it would be funny if they did. the whole time i'm cowering behind dp, threatening to call the police. i had my cell phone out, though it was most likely i wouldn't have gotten a signal. also, there were other people around including the mta guy in the booth. he also wasn't sure if he should call the police or not. finally this madman starts ascending the stairs when i decide it's a good idea to get in a few more verbal taunts. fortunately, he didn't turn back around and really kill dp/break his glasses. i think he was with the russian mafia or something and was wearing a mercedes jacket to match his car. yikes! dp was kind of silent after that. i've now learned my lesson about flipping people the bird. that's for sure. though i'm convinced that he wouldn't have gone after me if i had been alone...really, i've learned my lesson!
i finally got these gnomes from my most generous mother. she said that i deserved them because i'm such a great daughter! it's true. i am. so i decided to do a gnome photo shoot with some marimekko fabric i had on hand. too cute to boot!
parker stevenson can't lose (i stole this title from dp!)
the other day, darkpony and i were eating brunch at this southern style restaurant in hells kitchen (though dp thought it was related to colorado somehow), and there was this painting on the wall of parker stevenson. i thought this would be a great companion to this painting of brooke shields. anyway, i don't think it's supposed to be parker stevenson because the other painting on the wall, which looked to be by the same artist, showed some sort of mardi gras scene. the photo is a bit blurry, but you can still see the resemblance, right? hardy boys!
so i'm having a love affair with finland at the moment. i came across something the other day, which i can't yet talk about here or all will be jinxed, but it has fueled my interest in all things finnish. check out this half-finnish artist, sanna annukka. her stuff is amazing. i love it.
then, there is marimekko, a finnish classic. i went to the marimekko store today, but it was kind of blah. cb2 of all places has this really great marimekko wall hanging for sale.
finally, i hit up a bunch of designer re-sale shops on the upper east side today and came across this marimekko coat. i promise you that i will never again post a picture of myself here, but it goes with my finnish theme. anyway, this coat is a bit loud, but i've been wanting a quilted coat . unfortunately, this was $200 on sale. sigh. anyway, i'm totally trying to convince myself that i look like a crazed gnome in this, and that i don't want or need this coat. it's not working!
last night darkpony was all set to put his tv dinner in the oven when he asks, "did you put a little too much manpower into your cleaning the other day?" having no clue what he was talking about, i went into the kitchen to take a look. oops! i had put the stove and oven knobs in the dishwasher because they were sticky gross, but that took off all of the numbers on the oven knob. how are we supposed to know the oven temperature? dp cooked his meal anyway, but at one point i swear the oven was cranking at 600 degrees. now i have to call and get a replacement part. oy vey!
addendum: so $22.95 later, i will have my part in ten days. sheesh!