Thursday, June 29, 2006
so, while waiting for some take-out lunch today, i watched as a woman, eating with two other women, pulled out a thing of dental floss which immediately made me think, "nah ah! no you are not going to floss your teeth while one of your companions is still eating her meal! where are your manners?" but then i had to take back the "where are your manners?" thought because she did offer dental floss to her dining companions before proceeding to floss her teeth at the table. carry on!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
one of life's little mysteries
did my cat, pony p., barf on the jeans i wore to work yesterday before i wore them to work, meaning I walked around all day with a bunch of cat puke on my butt, or did he barf on them last night after i took them off? call the csi because we need a tor (time of regurgitation)! stat!
i might just be a tad too busy to blog

Friday, June 23, 2006
this is the post about 3s, as it is also my 300th post. woo hoo. way to go, hazeldove!
anyhoo, the 33.3% refers to the percentage (2 out of 6) of america's next top model winners i have seen in the past month. i really love antm, but my sightings have been a bit disappointing. today, i was returning a dress at the h&m on 51st and 5th avenue and spotted eva pigford, winner of cycle 3, and a small entourage. yes, she is pretty in person, but unfortunately, there was way too much makeup and body shimmer happening. also, she was shopping the sale racks. did i mention she was at h&m? she also seemed like she was back to her old ways of being eva the diva, not the vulnerable, tearful eva when she and tyra had their h2hs (heart to hearts). oh eva, even darkpony cried tears of joy when you won antm, but he would have been dissapointed by the loud eva I saw today.
then, a few weeks ago i spotted yoanna house, winner of cycle 2. i really used to like yoanna, mostly because i felt that she a had a pretty decent sense of style compared to all of the other girls who have ever been on the show. unfortunately, she has lost this sense of style since she won antm. i've watched the show she hosts on the style network, and she has sported some really heinous looks on it, and the day i saw her was no different. even though it was warm and raining (all day), yoanna was pretty much decked out in leather with knee high suede boots. i imagine this outfit forced her to have to hang out all day, where i spotted her, under the construction coverage on the corner of 23rd street and broadway next to a hot dog cart, so the rain wouldn't wreck the leather. oh yoanna, you overcame being overweight, so i only have faith that you will get past this fashion phase. remember your roots, girl!
anyhoo, the 33.3% refers to the percentage (2 out of 6) of america's next top model winners i have seen in the past month. i really love antm, but my sightings have been a bit disappointing. today, i was returning a dress at the h&m on 51st and 5th avenue and spotted eva pigford, winner of cycle 3, and a small entourage. yes, she is pretty in person, but unfortunately, there was way too much makeup and body shimmer happening. also, she was shopping the sale racks. did i mention she was at h&m? she also seemed like she was back to her old ways of being eva the diva, not the vulnerable, tearful eva when she and tyra had their h2hs (heart to hearts). oh eva, even darkpony cried tears of joy when you won antm, but he would have been dissapointed by the loud eva I saw today.
then, a few weeks ago i spotted yoanna house, winner of cycle 2. i really used to like yoanna, mostly because i felt that she a had a pretty decent sense of style compared to all of the other girls who have ever been on the show. unfortunately, she has lost this sense of style since she won antm. i've watched the show she hosts on the style network, and she has sported some really heinous looks on it, and the day i saw her was no different. even though it was warm and raining (all day), yoanna was pretty much decked out in leather with knee high suede boots. i imagine this outfit forced her to have to hang out all day, where i spotted her, under the construction coverage on the corner of 23rd street and broadway next to a hot dog cart, so the rain wouldn't wreck the leather. oh yoanna, you overcame being overweight, so i only have faith that you will get past this fashion phase. remember your roots, girl!
Monday, June 19, 2006
maybe it's best to be illiterate
i came across this today when reading some publishing news about recent acquisitions:
Diana Killian's CORPSE POSE, three books in a new yoga mystery series...
Diana Killian's CORPSE POSE, three books in a new yoga mystery series...
Friday, June 16, 2006
cute picture half-day summer friday!

Monday, June 12, 2006
there is an indian restaurant in our neighborhood called the five star punjabi. despite the bad service and questionable cleanliness of the diner it was housed in, the food was good and cheap, but those were the good old days. a couple of years ago, the five star punjabi opened up this huge banquet hall next door to the diner. it seemed like if you went to the five star punjabi on a weekend night when a huge banquet was happening (they shared a kitchen), the food was subpar. well, we decided to eat there this past saturday night and discovered that the diner part has completely closed, and now the restaurant has been moved to a depressing and sterile room in the banquet hall. i thought that i loved the five star for its food, but the diner was also a charming part of the five star dining experience. plus, once again being a weekend night, the food sucked. instead of serving basmati rice, we were served something that wished it was uncle ben's. i think it must have been krasdale brand from the local c-town grocery store. let me just say that i don't think everyone was served that bloated crap; hence, the riceism. also, the mean waiter gave me crap for asking for another beer because the first one i tasted was super flat. i'm so over the five star. 6th street, here i come!
remember the cwc?
yesterday, i participated in a comprehensive walker's club walk which I haven't done in quite some time. we clocked a little over 15 miles, walking from west 96th street up to fort tryon park where the cloisters are and back down to 96th street. darkpony and jamie sabuda are trying to walk every street in manhattan and are keeping track of their routes with a gps device (nerd alert!) which means that every time i wanted to wander off into a park, i got a lot of flack for it. "we've got to keep to the streets! parks don't count!" oh well. anyway, here are a couple of highlights from the day. firstly, while walking up riverside drive, there was a little sidewalk sale. well, jamie sabuda was saying that one guy had a lot of records and music magazines from the 60s and 70s, and that he overheard the guy tell someone that he was joe jackson's saxophonist for seven years. for some reason, darkpony thought that jamie sabuda had said that he was joe jackson's au pair for seven years. at this point, i was also told to never play a pretend saxophone ever again. secondly, we ate somewhere that i never, ever thought I would eat at, and it was pretty good and cheap. yes, that place would be dallas bbq's. who knew that you could get the early bird special for $4.99: half chicken, soup, corn bread, and baked potato. pretty, pretty good! one day, i'm going to go there and get one of those huge margaritas. i can't wait. so, that's it for the cwc walk. another success!
Friday, June 09, 2006
check out our new blog!
so, darkpony and i have started a new blog for our children's book publishing company, 4n publishing. it's a bit in the early phase, and the name will most likely change, but that's okay. our new blog is more about news for our business, as well as interesting things relating to the world of book publishing and independent small press publishers. also, please note that darkpony posts as ponypower because it is a bit more upbeat sounding. i'm still hazeldove, so check it out. pretty please!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
new rule alert
people shouldn't be allowed to speak in elevators, so i don't have to be privy to conversations such as the following:
i enter the elevator in mid-conversation among two women, one attractive, one not, and a creepy guy.
attractive girl: one time in college i used a knitting machine to make a knit bikini.
creepy guy (responds way too quickly and enthusiastically): knit bikinis are hot!
awkward silence ensues as the females in the elevator are totally skeeved out. yuck!
i enter the elevator in mid-conversation among two women, one attractive, one not, and a creepy guy.
attractive girl: one time in college i used a knitting machine to make a knit bikini.
creepy guy (responds way too quickly and enthusiastically): knit bikinis are hot!
awkward silence ensues as the females in the elevator are totally skeeved out. yuck!